Contenuti Esclusivi:

Francesco Totti e Ilary Blasi si dicono addio

Sembrava che la stampa non aspettasse altro che la...

Stranger Things 4 – Vol. 2: la recensione degli ultimi due episodi

L’1 luglio Netflix ha rilasciato gli ultimi due episodi...

Juve, sia meno popolare e più popolana

A pochi giorni dall'inizio ufficiale del mercato, per la...

The Glastonbury Festival 2013

GLASTONBURY, ENGLAND – JUNE 29: Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones performs on the Pyramid Stage at the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts site at Worthy Farm, Pilton on June 29, 2013 near Glastonbury, England. The wholesale market caters for traders throughout the Festival who are estimated to provide 3 million meals for festival goers, crew and performers. Gates opened on Wednesday at the Somerset diary farm that will be playing host to one of the largest music festivals in the world and this year features headline acts Artic Monkeys, Mumford and Sons and the Rolling Stones. Tickets to the event which is now in its 43rd year sold out in minutes and that was before any of the headline acts had been confirmed. The festival, which started in 1970 when several hundred hippies paid 1 GBP to watch Marc Bolan, now attracts more than 175,000 people over five days. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

Glastonbury Festival 2013 – Day 3
The Glastonbury Festival 2013