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Miley Cyrus e Liam Hemsworth

*EXCLUSIVE* Toluca Lake, CA – Miley Cyrus spends another relaxing day with hunky boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, as the pair sit patio side at Sweetsalt Food Shop for lunch. The young couple couldn’t keep their hands off each other, offering up sweet kisses in-between each bite during their lunch. Miley and Liam gave each other one final kiss before clutching hands to walk back home.

GSI Media August 8, 2011

To License These Photos, Please Contact :

Steve Ginsburg
(310) 505-8447
(323) 4239397
[email protected]
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Keith Stockwell
(310) 261-8649
(323) 325-8055
[email protected]
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Liam Hemsworth e Miley Cyrus